
5 Natural Ways To Heal Feeling Stressed, Depressed & Blue

By Anika DiGloria April 7, 2017

Natural Stress & Depression Busters

Be it on a mild or chronic level, stress & depression has trapped most of us these days. Be it due to demands at work, failing relationships, financial burdens or lack of satisfaction in life, there can be many reasons for feeling a littles stressed out and blue.

I am here to help you lift out of that funk instead of trying to cover it up or numb out food, drugs or alcohol.

There are many natural stress & depression busting ways which you can implement in your daily life and feel better.  Some are diet related and some are lifestyle related.  Either way with a little bit of focus, we can have you feeling better a.s.a.p

5 Natural Ways To Conquer Stress & Depression

Never skip your meals- We want to keep that blood sugar stable, baby!

It is common to skip meals when you are upset or stressed. But doing exactly opposite to this is your first and most important step towards feeling better, especially if you can eat with friends and loved ones. Have a healthy and filling breakfast with protein and high quality fat, followed by light lunch like a salad with baked salmon.  This will keep your energy high to get through your busy day.  Include comfort foods like warm soups,  or dark chocolate  and allow your self to really ENJOY them. Food can be a great source of pleasure when we slow down and think of NOURISHING ourselves!

Stay moderate  with caffeine.

Whenever stress, depression or sadness strikes, the first thing that may come to your mind is having a cup of freshly brewed coffee. I totally get it.  I love a good cup of coffee.  What we don’t want to do is go OVERBOARD with the caffeine and stress out our body with the “fake power”.  Try to stay to one cup of organic coffee before 12 pm as to not screw up your sleep.  Instead try to drink a lot of water.  The body is 60-80% water and it uses water to create electricity and energy for you to run on.  Dehydration will make you cranky, give you a head ache and over time causes premature aging. yikes!

Get outside & expose yourself to sunlight and nature

Get up early, go out for a short walk and expose yourself to the fresh morning sunlight.  Allow yourself to admire the beauty in which you live.  Find things to be grateful for as you walk.  Vitamin D, which is mainly obtained from morning sun, is one of the most effective nutrients to defeat depression naturally. It makes hormonal changes in your body in such a way that you feel better. We know that we feel better when we can spend a few minute outside, in the sun, with some deep slow breathing to calm down and connect.  Remind yourself “this to shall pass” or what ever you need to reconnect to FAITH that everything will work out for you.

Ask for a hug & socialize

LOVE, love, love, love! We are social creatures. We thrive in connection and community.  You do not need to handle all of this on your own.  By asking for help and support, you allow someone else to be able to help you and they feel good to be able to contribute to you!  It is easy to forget that we are not alone or that we have don’t have to have it all together all the time.  Recognizing that there is a rhythm to life and it is normal and ok to have down days.  Do not be to hard on yourself with your ultra high expectations.  I think it actually takes some courage to reach out and get support.  Let people in and let them be with you.  It can be as easy as going for a walk, or watching a funny movie together.

Having a loving and supportive network is one of the best things you can do for your self and your health.  Loneliness sucks, go be with positive loving people

Self reflection & self awareness

Lastly, analyze your life and your situation. Think of the possibilities to tackle the problems which are bothering you. Instead of worrying or being mad, activate your mind and strive towards finding out the solution for your problems. Taking small steps and getting into action will 99% of the time make you feel better.  They say, it is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you handle it that determines the quality of your life.

I am a big believer in that. There are always going to be bumps and set backs in this adventure called life.  You have what it takes to thrive.  You may need to bring a buddy along with you, but I believe you are strong and capable.  With a little reflection, a little grace, you can powerfully move forward to what you want. Support & help are available too.  If you would rather talk to someone else besides your friends or family, that is what someone like ME is for. 😉

I am an expert at helping women get unstuck and reconnected to their joy, if you would like to book in a call click here to email me.  I love to blend diet & lifestyle support to create a truly integrative well-being experience. Don’t be shy. I am not pushy or “salesy”.   Sending my best to you.  Big Love!!! Ani D.