
Meet Dolce Designs

By March 10, 2017

Local mom and entrepreneur, Natalie Dolce uses leftover adult & kids clothes and recreates them into fashion for your mini.  She re-purposes these clothes and sews them into one of a kind of masterpieces.  Her style and vision is nothing but chic & iconic.  What you may think is trash, is a treasure for your little one.  Imagine your husband's dress shirt rips, you have bins of baby boy clothes BUT you are pregnant with your baby girl.  Dolce Designs takes the fabric of your husband's work shirt, combine's it with your baby boy's onesie and Voile! a little girl dress is born, which will be your favorite among all your store bought pink in her closet.

With a little imagination and ingenuity, old can be like new and once conventional things can be unique. 

Do you have old clothing that often just sits in your dresser drawers or in your closet? Have an old college t-shirt or band shirt that no longer fits but you can’t bring yourself to just throw it away? Have some dresses your little girl just grew out of? Do you have men’s dress shirts with holes in the elbows that are now unusable? Have baby boy onesies saved and now you have a little girl?


Give them a new life. Learn, share and get inspired. There are plenty of mind-blowing ways to repurpose old clothing

Private consultations available & suggested.

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