The City of Carlsbad’s popular EGGStravaganza Spring Festival returns Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Poinsettia Community Park, 6600 Hidden Valley Road.
The event features ongoing egg scrambles for children 6 and older, who want to race for their eggs, as well as one for children ages 5 and under. There is also a noncompetitive egg scramble for young children, children with special needs, and for families wanting to pose for a photo opportunity. Attendees can also enjoy a family scavenger hunt, photos with the Easter bunny, a fun zone with bounce houses, a giant slide and a chance to "soak the bunny." $5 activity cards and $5 unlimited fun zone wrist bands can be purchased for activities like the egg scramble and Easter bunny photos
These can be purchased at the event or in advance, April 1 through April 19 at these locations Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.:
- Calavera Hills Community Center, 2997 Glasgow Drive
- Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street
- Stagecoach Community Center, 3420 Camino de los Coches
- Alga Norte Community Park, 6565 Alicante Road